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Scientific Project

Raise Bore Survey Tool Project

Cameco wanted a rugged tool to survey bore hole shafts in the MacArthur river uranium mine.The shafts were drilled at an angle between two levels, so they wanted something they could lower down that would withstand some falling rocks. The tool was to provide a video link to an operator with a laptop, and to take pictures and measurements of the diameter of the shaft while lowering the tool down.They wanted to be able to take the data and import it into a 3-D modelling program. Project DescriptionThe tool needed to be designed to be lowered down a shaft and take pictures and distance measure

Mass Measurement Project

The Mass measurement project was an R&D project to determine the feasibility of measuring the mass of vehicles by pulling them. 

The project involved collectin

Atmospheric Research

Scientific Instrumentation Ltd. has demonstrated a strong commitment to the scientific community through many years of involvement in upper atmospheric studies.

Growing concern over depletion of the earth's ozone layer has further stimulated this field of research. S.I.L. has designed and manufactured a variety of equipment

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