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The R-Stop is a remote controlled emergency stop switch designed to

interface with equipment, machinery, and vehicles where an additional

level of safety is desired. The RStop wireless remote is small enough to

be easily worn by a worker without discomfort and it allows a machine

to be easily shut down if the physical e-stop is out of reach. 


Features : 
  • Up to 5 individual users per system.

  • Smallest wearable stop system on the market.

  • Optional range extending Repeater Modules available.

  • Wireless battery charging system - no contacts to corrode.

  • Runs on license free 900MHz band.

  • Dual relay outputs (to control E-Stop, siren, beacon, etc)

  • Low power operation - up to 30 hours runtime between charges.

  • Data logging available to create reports.

  • Customizable features depending on your needs.

*Product specification subject to change without notice.


  • Underground and open pit mining operations.

  • Heavy machinery and vehicles.

  • Oil and gas industry.

  • Farming equipment.

  • Virtually any machine with electric controls.


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