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Event Controller

The Event Controller provides on/off temperature or other control for

ducts, tanks, chillers, heating and refrigeration units, and other applications where

electronic accuracy in addition to remote sensing is desired.



Features : • Two temperature inputs (two temperature sensors provided) 
• Four relay outputs available 
• Set-point temperature range is –40oC to 99oC 
• Ambient temperature range is –40oC to 65oC 
• Adjustable temperature range and differential 
• LCD/LED indication for mode and output status 
• Keypad provides ease of programming and operation 
• Accuracy is within ±1oC 
• Stages independently programmed for heating or cooling 
• Wide AC and DC voltage input ranges 
• SPDT relay outputs 
• Optional TTL RS232 output 
• Optional input of 0-5 volt, consult factory 
• Custom software development available

*Product specification subject to change without notice.


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