The Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) is a low cost, state of the art, flexible, full featured ionosonde ideal for both routine ionospheric monitoring and research. CADI provides sounding capability using high power radio frequency pulses at vertical incidence.
The system integrates phase coding techniques, solid state electronics and FPGA technology to make CADI a significantly smaller and less expensive ionosonde. The system may be operated with single or multiple receivers. Observables include: echo delay (height) versus frequency; the phase and amplitude of the echo; angle of arrival; and polarization of the echo. Drifts can also be measured using the spaced-antenna method.
Atmospheric Research; The combination of portability, low cost, and ease of installation make CADI ideal for both permanent installations and campaign-type research programs of shorter duration.
Polar Cap Studies; Studies including Morphology and behaviour of patches and arcs.
Auroral Zone Studies; Measurement in stand-alone and in conjunction with optical and VHF/HF radar Measurements.
Equatorial and High Latitude Electrojet Studies
Ionospheric Monitoring; Scaling of standard URSI parameters. Data storage format suitable for World Data Centre Archives.
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